MorecambeGolf Club
John Glover Trophy
Format - Mens Singles Medal, White Tees, Maximum Playing Handicap 28
Open to Seniors 55 years and above on day of competition
Entry Fee per person :- £20.00 (Members) -- £25 (Visitors)
All players must be a member of a recognised golf club
Food served all day both in the Clubhouse and at the Half-Way House.
Competitors will be playing for The John Glover Trophy (overall Best Gross), The Wentworth Plate (overall Best Nett). The remainder of prizes are based on Age Categories (best Gross and Nett prizes for each age group) therefore Date of Birth is required upon entry.
Age Categories:- A = 55 - 64 & B = 65 plus.
For a biography brief on John Glover please click here
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