Course Developments

Over more recent years, the course has seen many developments to enhance the golfing experience as highlighted below. 


Irrigation system upgraded by way of new control unit and wholesale renewal of decoders to now have a fully functioning system


Covid restrictions prevented any major works


• 3rd Hole - re-profiling of all bunkers, bunker matting installed for improved drainage, new turf laid around all bunkers. Tee rebuilt - increased in sized, upgraded irrigation, new turf laid along with new winter teeing area. 
• 4th Hole - tee rebuilt - increased the size of the back teeing area by removing slope and installing wooden shuttering. Upgraded irrigation and new turf laid.
• 4th, 5th & 6th Holes - ditch dug out and re-profiled.
• 9th Hole - fairway hollowcored, top dressed and fertilised.
• 14th Hole - new drainage installed at the start of the fairway.
• 16th Hole - tee rebuilt - increased the size of the back teeing area by removing slope and installing wooden shuttering. Upgraded irrigation and new turf laid.
• Tree work around the course to improve drainage and views across the Bay and Golf Course


• 2nd Hole - re-profiling of all bunkers, bunker matting installed for improved drainage, new turf laid around all bunkers. New mounding to be created to the right side of the hole
• 4th Hole - new mounding created to the right side of the hole
• 8th Hole – feature pond created near the green 
• 9th Hole - re-grading the start of the fairway 
• Tree work around the course to open up views across the Bay and Golf Course
• Drainage work around the course


• 2nd Hole - mounding created to the left side of the hole
• 4th Hole - fairway drainage installed 
• 6th Hole - ditch cleared out
• 12th Hole - fairway hollow cored, fertilised and top dressed
• Valley Ditch - wooden shuttering removed, bankings re-profiled, turf laid across all bankings, new drains installed, new paths installed over crossing points
• Tree work around the course to open up views across the Bay and Golf Course
• Drainage work around the course

New 4th Tee

New Bunkering on 3rd Hole

New Pond on 8th Hole